Thursday, March 1, 2012

Blog vs Wikis

Blogs and wikis are two different technologies and tools. In some way they are the same such as sharing information on the web that are published by any individuals. The main purpose of wikis is to have people share information about one topic and every one can be a contributor. Blogs are a tool that the creators share or post what they wished and have the option for visitors to publish comments. 

They are different in how information is contributed, wikis by everyone sharing something and blogs by the creators publishing materials. Both tools are free of charge and the attraction of them are attracted many users around the world. And both of they doesn’t require high level of technology knowledge which were also stated at article from CIO “More on How to build your own Wikipedia.”
The way of user collaboration for both wiki and blogs differs. Users can easily edit any information on Wikipedia but that’s not the case for blogs. So wiki is a way easier for user to user’s collaboration. Blogs can too but in a different way, by having user sharing in the comment section.  Wiki also become a tool for collaboration due to its simple system. “How to use Wikis for business” an article from Information Week states “collaboration software that solves all these problems yet,” the problems is addressing the difficulties of information collaboration.

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